

 Last changes: Saturday, January 05, 2008

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One animal of my adult 1,2 amel P. c. catenifer.
one male of my c.b. 2004 patternless mugitus, just after the first shed.

The second male of my c.b. 2004 patternless mugitus
The only female of the clutch, a patternd one.
One of my new snakes, the 0,1 of 1,1 snow sayi c.b. 2004 ;-)
And one of my 1,1 hypo sayi. I bought them in Houten from Marc Bell.
An other one from Marc Bell b.b. 2003, too a pair wich I bought from a friend of mine.
An actual picture of my amel. sayi male, now 2 1/2 years old.

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