Distribution Distribution map [ 1 ] [ 2 ]
In the north of Mexico lives the species Pituophis deppei, in the south it overlaps with the nominat form of Pituophis lineaticollis. Further in direction Middle America, but with a distance, lives the ssp. Pituophis lineaticollis gibsoni.
Description |
These snakes are medium stong animals, wich only seldomly reach 2m. These species have dark saddle spots, lineaticollis tending to production of stripes. The mainly colors are brown and yellow-tones, white and orange, too. In head scalation those ssp. can be differ good to the North American Pituophis: Those mexican sp. have only 2 Präfrontalia.
Habitat |
The Mexican pine snakes inhabit mountain areas between 1500 and aprox. 2500m.
Way of life |
Only little is known, those animals live very secretiv.
Diet |
The Mexican pine snakes feed upon rodents. Their young sometimes eat lizards, too.
Hibernation |
Those Mexican animals make a hibernation of some month.
Reproduction |
In late summer the young snakes hatch. Then they have a lenght of 35 to 45 cm. The pattern then resemble mostly the adults.