The beautiful cape gopher snake is for an beginner of snake keeping not so ideal, because of it’s lower temperatur needings and stress danger. Both can sometimes lead to food denied or reguriation. If the temperatures are low enough and it feels secure again, you can start again with feeding gently. But if the problems were repeat, you quick have a case for the vetenarian.
Adult vertebralis are normaly slender and grow seldom to more than 1,5m. But I saw animals of 1,8m too. Those big animals mostly are males. They smaller ones need a medium sized terrarium with some good hiding places and, if possible, a climbing branch. My adults never took a bath, so I give them only a drinking bowl.
The preferd temperatures of the vertebralis are aprox. 25-max.27°C. Higher temperatures they like only for a warming up.
The animals can live with other species normaly without problems but it must! be stress free. If they are feary and bite in the beginning, they normaly calm down in the next weeks. Good hidingplaces make this easier to the snake.